1. Area surrounding the store/warehouse
- Condition of cleanliness
- Condition of security
- Condition of access
- Condition of drainage
2. The building
- Type of construction (wood, brick, metal or others) for walls, roofs, floors
- Dimension (Length, Width, Height)
- Capacity
- Ventilation
- Number of doors
- Electricity supplies
- Water supplies
- Air supplies
3. Condition of the building externally
- Cracks at the walls, buildings, roofs
- Sign of rodent
4. Condition of the building internally
- Cleanliness of the floor
- Sign of rodent
- Is the store waterproof
- Entry of birds, insects, animals
5. Basic warehouse equipments
- Fire extinguishers
- First aid box
- Ladders
- Tools and materials for simple store repair or maintenance and cleanliness