Bill of materials that comprises of raw materials, sub-assemblies or finished products and it is an essential documentary for procurement, assembling and costing purposes.
Besides the above-mentioned purposes, many companies are using bill of materials for components, raw materials, sub-components, sub-assemblies issuing or kitting during their picking processes.
However, bill of materials is not available in eStockCard Inventory Software and the alternate way is by making use of Picking List module that is available in eStockCard.
These can be done either:-
1. User would be able to enter item codes and required quantities directly into Picking List module.
2. Duplicate the information that created in the Sales Order module (for Premium edition only) to Picking List module.
Once the info (item code and quantity) is confirmed and user would be able to proceed with items retrieval.
For the subsequent retrieval of the same product, duplicating function is available and user would be able to duplicate similar contents from the previous Sales Order screen. This can avoid tedious data entries.